How Our Physiology Can Help Our Self Improvement
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A Better Way of Life - Seven Day Program for Self-Improvement I seemed to lost count on how many times I've read and heard of celebrity marriages failing almost left and right. Not that I care (and personally I don't), it seems strange that we often see movie and TV stars as flawless...
It is a well accepted and scientifically proven fact that how we feel mentally and emotionally affects how we act, look and feel physically. Our thoughts and emotions affect how our bodies feel, our facial expressions, and how we act and move. We can all easily identify someone who is angry, or depressed, or happy, by their face, their body language and their overall demeanour. However, not so well known is the fact that this works both ways. We can actually change how we feel by changing the way we move, our posture and our and facial expressions. Smiling or laughing is a perfect example. It actually takes a lot less effort and uses a lot less facial muscles to smile than it does to frown. Smiling and laughing also make changes to our blood flow and oxygen levels and stimulates our brain. We all know that smiling and laughing make us feel good and change our mood. What
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does this means for self improvement? It means that we can choose to change our moods and feelings by changing our physiology. This may sound too good to be true, but we can very easily experiment. We can choose an emotion or a state, (for example, being shy, timid, and lacking in confidence) and act, move and look the way we would if that was how we really felt. If we let it, this will change our mood and state of mind so we actually feel that way. Then act as if totally full of confidence and on top of the world. Thinking about a time when we really felt this way, or visualising another person who exemplifies these qualities can help. How does that feel? This may seem like ‘acting’ at first, but it will change our thoughts if we have an open mind and allow it to. This simple method can be used to help put us in a better frame of mind any time we choose. We can actually
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7 Hot Tips for Self Improvement Part 2 Self Improvement Tip 4 Don't procrastinate! The more you put something off and something else off, the more all your undesirable chores pile up. Until they're an insurmountable task that would make a paid cleaning crew shudder. In fact take these...
‘act’ our way to more positive thoughts and feelings by changing our physiology. More details are available from Neuro Linguistic Programming Specialists and other Self Improvement Experts, who use these and many other similar techniques that can help our lives. Self Improvement Tips Quote of the Day “ We must all realise that emotion is created by motion. The way we move changes the way we think, feel and behave” – Anthony Robbins Garry Zancanaro is the founder of Self Improvement Directory, a website dedicated to Self Improvement and Personal Development, and to helping people live more successful and fulfilling lives by providing a directory of the highest quality Self Growth resources available. Includes many FREE eBooks and much more. Visit