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Wellness - Wellness of the Body

Wellness Article

Atlanta Schools’ “Wellness” Workshops Project
Atlanta Schools’ “Wellness” Workshops Promote Nutrition and Physical Education When Atlanta Schools opened at the end of August, a new project was initiated. The “Wellness” Workshop Project kicked off the school year with a workshop that included...

Wellness refers to the condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes

Wellness of the body occurs when all the body processes, physical and mental are functioning as the peak levels. What does it take to achieve a complete body wellness? It requires more than simply taking a trip to the gym, or a walk in the park.

Many factors come into play when we consider our body's wellness. The daily intake of food, vitamins, and water are absolute necessities, and most often the items thought about. What about the conditioning of our body to deal with life each day? Does our physical exercise have anything to do with the wellness of our body? Absolutely.

For one condition without regard to the other, is not a complete

Wellness Article

Worksite Wellness
Employers increasingly are realizing the value that worksite wellness programs deliver as an effective tool to improve employee health, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and lower health care costs. A 2003 report published by the U.S....

whole. The body includes all of our physical processes, our mind, and our physical being as a whole. When we give thought to the wellness of the body, most often we contemplate our physical condition as it applies to our cardiovascular needs and our weight. But our bodies are much more than heart and a nice figure. What about all of our other organs? Are they well? How do we maintain a wellness of the entirety? Daily physical exercise that benefits the body as a whole, taking time to rest and restore what has been depleted from our body over the course of the day, and making sure that we adequately supply our entire body with the nutrition necessary for healthy function.

If we use our resources wisely and educate our selves about the things our body needs to maintain wellness, over the course of our life, it isn't a difficult thing to attain. But you cannot abuse your body for years, and then hope for immediate results in trying to attain an overall wellness. It didn't become unwell overnight, and it won't become well again that quickly.


Wellness Article

What Is Wellness Of The Mind?
The level of spirituality we hold with ourselves is one way in which we establish some wellness of mind. Spirituality, on any level, is a way to cleanse the mind and refresh the soul. Wellness is not only about the mind, though. It is a state of...

attention to the physical needs of each part of your body results in the wellness of the whole. Every part of your physical body exists to work in unison with another part of the body. Two hands are necessary for optimal functioning of the limbs, two feet, two eyes, etc. The physical body is designed to work better than any machine invented to date. It is more complex and powerful than any piece of equipment we have on the market.

It takes more abuse than believable, and continues to operate, even without the daily requirements being met, for several days. It is a fascinating machine, as machines go. But it is an even more fascinating temple, when we choose to care for our bodies as the temples they really are. They house our mind and soul, and when the body is well, it does a tremendous job of providing for our needs.

About the author:

Tony Robinson is a CEO and Webmaster. He has a young family and a keen interest in health and fitness. Visit his site at http://www.be-well-and-fit.com




3 Tips To Health And Wellness Living | Ride the wave of Wellness to Financial Freedom | Lifestyle Wellness An Adventure of Health Vitality | 5 Compelling Reasons to Choose a Wellness Opportunity | What Is Wellness Of The Mind | Atlanta Schools Wellness Workshops Project | How Do We Evaluate Wellness | Health and Wellness Products | Wellness



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